Relations – How I Keep Moving

Life is a long journey. I have had more relations in my life than I could possibly have imagined a few years ago. Is it not a good thing, nor is it a bad thing. Every time, I keep learning. I learned how to handle the most basic 15 years old relationship, and I learned … Continue reading Relations – How I Keep Moving

Crap… I Forgot Her Name

"Oh sorry, I am really bad with names...". I cannot remember how many times I said that sentence, laughing, after forgetting the name of the person I just met. I bet it happens to you too. And yet, a person's name is the sweetest music for them in any language, and a token of their … Continue reading Crap… I Forgot Her Name

Are you the main character in your life ?

​​This is a question everyone probably thought about whilst being small. I can recall myself wondering about it to some extent, on the toilet, when I was seven or eight years old. I asked myself several questions : "What if I am the only one living, and everyone else is just part of a game … Continue reading Are you the main character in your life ?

Love, hate, love, hate, family.

  One day, you were born. Surrounded by people who cared. I hope they still do. I hope the two first young people you saw are still around you, proud of what you have accomplished so far. They may be old now, looking a bit more ridiculous than they used to, when they were full … Continue reading Love, hate, love, hate, family.

Fight your bad habits

It is astonishing how dedicated we can be to our duties sometimes, before our primitive intincts take the lead again, and force us back to our eat - have sex - sleep loop. It is also particularly amazing to observe how deep this loop is inlaid inside our cognitive reasoning. The exam session is coming … Continue reading Fight your bad habits